Clue #5: Guess George's Dream!

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 6, 2009, 7:04 PM

April 27, 2010— -- This May, "GMA" is Living the Dream!

Can you guess what lifelong dream George Stephanopoulos will be fulfilling from the clues below? You learned CLUE #1 on today's show: that his expert guide for his dream is a duke.

Check out the next clueS and post your guess in the Comments section at the bottom of this page. Watch "GMA" to see if you're right!

CLUE #2: His dream involves rules.

CLUE #3: French colonists imported it to Canada in the 18th century.

CLUE #4: Get wild and head straight for the river.

CLUE #5: The history of Monopoly has the key to George's dream.CLICK HERE to guess Juju's Dream!