The People Behind the Job Loss Numbers

Nearly 2.6 million people lost jobs last year, about the population of Nevada.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 2, 2009, 9:41 PM

Feb. 3, 2009 — -- Numbers are cold and impersonal. Numbers don't cry.

Karen Albert, a 48-year-old mother of two from Bend, Ore., lost her job at a tire dealership two weeks ago.

"I just sat there for a few minutes and they had me clean out my desk and leave. And I called my daughter from the parking lot and told her what was going on, and I cried all the way home," she said.

Albert is one of more than 180,000 people laid off in the last month. That's nearly three times the number of people that filled the stands at the Super Bowl.

"It's shocking, it's hard, it's scary, it's frightening," Albert said.

Last year, nearly 2.6 million people lost their jobs. To put that in perspective, that's about the population of Nevada.

Ed and Emily Bexley were laid off one right after the other, he in August, she in September.

"I kind of got a sick feeling in my stomach," Ed Bexley said.

"It was heart-crushing, really," Emily Bexley said. "I just cried, you know? And cried and cried because none of us have a job."

Numbers can make you angry, though. Wall Street doled out $18.4 billion in bonuses last year. That amount of money could pay one year of public college tuition for nearly every incoming college freshman.

"That's just stupid," Karen Albert said, echoing the feelings of many working people.

Meanwhile, students like Elliot Schwartz are struggling to pay for college.

"The bank actually said, 'We're increasing your interest rate because of the current economic turbulence.' It's, it's just so frustrating. You know, I'm just here. I have a chem test tomorrow," he said.