Lindsay Lohan Heads to Jail: What's She in For?

Lohan expected to enter prison today, reportedly without high profile attorney.

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 14, 2010, 7:21 AM

July 20, 2010 — -- Today Lindsay Lohan begins what could be the most difficult role of her young life -- as a real-life prisoner in a Los Angeles jail.

Forget designer bags or cushy cribs, for the next few weeks Lohan will be sporting the jail-standard orange jumpsuit and sleep on a vinyl mattress in a 12X8 foot cell. For her own protection, she will be isolated from other inmates.

According to a former inmate, today will be the worst for the young starlet.

"It is something you will never forget," former inmate Tanya told "Good Morning America." "When you get strip searched it takes away a lot of dignity. You are not in a room by yourself."

But ABC News legal analyst Dana Cole said that for most of her time behind bars, Lohan will just be bored.

"It's not going to be the worst situation imaginable, far from it," Cole said. "It's just going to be boring basically."

Lohan is set to appear in court today for a short hearing after which she is expected to be taken to the Los Angeles County Women's Jail.

Lohan will be making her court appearance without the representation of high-profile defense attorney Robert Shapiro who recently joined the case, the Los Angeles Times reported today citing court documents.

Though Shapiro would not comment on the split, Cole confirmed a closed-doors meeting between Shapiro and the judge took place Monday.

"He probably said [to Lohan], 'Listen, if you're not going to do it my way, you can go do it your way but you're going to twist in the winds alone," former prosecutor Robin Sax told "GMA" today. "It's not surprising that Robert Shapiro has had trouble holding Lindsay under control. That's been a big problem from my sources and what I hear... in terms of getting her to actually succumb to the process, realize she has a problem and actually listen to the orders."

In a statement earlier this week, Shapiro said he "agreed to represent Ms. Lohan on the condition that she complies with all of the terms of her probation, including a requirement of jail time."

Lohan was spotted at a rehabilitation facility that Shapiro owned where he planned to implement "a treatment approach recommended by medical professionals for Ms. Lohan's long-term recovery and sobriety," the statement said.

Sax said her reported split with Shapiro shouldn't have much of an effect on Lohan's jail time.

She is scheduled to be released from jail just in time for the premiere of her newest movie, "Machete," in which she plays a gun-toting nun.

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