How to Arm Yourself Against the Mosquito

Quick, simple tips to keep you bite-free this summer.

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 2, 2008, 6:41 PM

July 3, 2008 — -- Ah, summer has arrived. Time for swimming, barbeques and, if you're not careful, mosquito bites. Some are hunkering down for a bug-filled summer, thanks in part to increased rain, which creates more stagnant pools of water that mosquitoes use as breeding grounds. If you live in a wet area and staying inside is not an option, here are a few ways experts say you can beat the mosquito:

Is Deet Safe?

Some avoid Deet, saying it irritates their skin and allegations of potential toxicity, especially with regard to children under 12. If you're concerned about using Deet, try a eucalyptus- or peppermint-based insect repellant. Used in conjunction with citronella candles or tiki torches, non-Deet products can help to keep bugs at bay.

And if all else fails, here are some bug bite remedies and tips that are known to relieve pain and itch:

And here some myths about bug repellants: