Could Men Conceive?

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 27, 2005, 8:57 AM

Sept. 27, 2005 -- -- A baby born outside of her mother's uterus is raising questions about whether or not men can conceive.

Today Emylea Tharby is a healthy 4-month-old, but there is only a one in 10 million chance that she is even alive.

"When we did the MRI, we put two and two together," said Dr. Renato Natale. "We couldn't see a uterus around the baby."

Emylea developed outside of the womb when a fertilized egg fell into her mother's abdominal cavity. The placenta that feeds the baby was planted outside of the uterus.

The baby was delivered during emergency surgery with minor disabilities.

"She's the most beautiful child I could ever dream of having," said Emylea's mother, Lia Tharby.

The successful pregnancy without a womb raises questions as to whether a man could one day become pregnant.

"Good Morning America" medical contributor, Dr. David Katz, weighed in on the debate. He said men would need the female hormones necessary to sustain a pregnancy.

"Could it be done? Yes," Katz said. "But there would be unpleasant side effects for a guy. I wouldn't rush off to try that."