How to Survive an Avalanche

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 7, 2007, 8:02 AM

Jan. 7, 2007 — -- Shortly after the avalanche occurred on a Colorado highway Saturday, Alpine Rescue Team arrived to determine whether any other cars were trapped.

Charley Shimanski, who heads up the crew, told "Good Morning America Weekend Edition" what you should do if you get caught in an avalanche while in your car.

If you have your seat belt on, it will help avoid trauma as the car flips. The whole event will last about 10 seconds.

Make sure you have your hands in front of your face. That will protect you from breaking glass. Also, it will create an air space for you if the windshield breaks and you become trapped by snow.

Shut your engine off. This will help prevent carbon monoxide from getting inside the car.

Finally, wait for help. You're probably not buried as deep as you think, and people will be quickly on their way to help you.