Quick Grooming Before Holiday Parties

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 22, 2003, 5:57 PM

Dec. 23 -- During the holiday season, it can be challenging to look your best when you trying to juggle work with shopping and running from party to party.

Didi Gluck, beauty director of Marie Claire magazine, has some quick tips for men and women who plan on party hopping or who want to freshen up after work before heading to a holiday party.

1. Start with a clean slate: Men: Run to the bathroom and throw some water on your face. (You get an extra bonus point if you actually use soap.) Women: Wipe off your day makeup with a towelette, such as Dove Daily Hydrating Cleansing Cloths ($6.99, drugstore.com)

2. Men should shave the night before. This will give them a 5 o'clock shadow by party time the next day, where they can keep the trendy (à la Colin Farrell) look or have enough hair growth to shave.

3. Freshen your breath.For all that party chit-chat, you'll want your breath to be fresh. Make sure to bring some toothpaste and a tooth brush to the office with you.

4. Run a comb though your hair, and add a little bit of product, such as Physique precision wax ($6.99 at drugstore.com) to keep it in place. Pack a small or compact hair brush if you don't have much room in your bag.

5. Add a splash of cologne or spray on perfume before you head out the door.

6. Invest in one good all over product. Stila convertible color is good for cheeks, lips and eyes. ($28 at Sephora.com).

7. Curl your eyelashes and apply mascara. It will work wonders on your face.

8. Apply shimmer powder. Try Urban Decay FX shimmer powder ($18 at Sephora.com) for an all-over glow.