Secret Santa Hands Out Crisp $100 Bills

An anonymous man with a big heart hands out money while dressed as Santa.

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 23, 2007, 11:53 AM

Dec. 24, 2007— -- A wealthy Kansas City businessman is a real live "Secret Santa."

He wears the big red Christmas suit, passes out his own money to those in need, and all he asks is that he remains anonymous.

"It isn't about the money. It's about the human spirit. It's about touching someone's life for just a moment, and the hope and the inspiration that it may give to them," said the bearded man.

This Santa follows the legacy of his dear friend, Larry Stewart, the original Secret Santa.

Before making a fortune in the telecom industry, Stewart was homeless. Once he had money to spare, Stewart started giving it away, and over 30 years, he passed out more than $1 million.

Late last year, in the final days of his battle with cancer, Stewart revealed his identity. At his deathbed, the current Secret Santa pledged to continue his incredible mission to keep his work and memory alive.

"Good Morning America" caught this Santa in the act of handing out crisp $100 bills, talking about Stewart's legacy.

"He'd hand him a hundred dollars, just like I'm handing you," Santa said to one lucky recipient. "All he would ask is that you do something nice for somebody, and pass the kindness on," Santa told another.

In his first year on the job, this new Secret Santa has, so far, changed the fortunes of 600 strangers. "If $100 can inspire 1,000 people to commit a random act of kindness and pass it on, that's the best investment I can get on my money," he said.