Resume Writing: Sample Template and Five Mistakes to Avoid

Don't leave a potential employer with a bad impression.

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 9, 2010, 8:10 PM

Aug. 30, 2010 — -- In a competitive economy with a weak job market, you can't afford to have a less-than-perfect resume.

While no jobseeker should rely solely on a resume to get you in the door, this all-important document must capture an employer's attention because of your well-presented experience and talents, not because it's filled with easily avoidable mistakes. Use this checklist to follow 10 steps on sending off your resume.

A fun email address (hotmama, muscleman, vodkaqueen, and so on) may be fine to communicate with friends, but think again before putting it on your resume. Another no? Using your current work email address is also inappropriate. Get a free account from Gmail, Hotmail or another service to use for all job-search related activity.

Click HERE for Tory's web extra tips, and click HERE to see a sample resume template.

In reviewing dozens of resumes, the language in this objective is very common: Manager with more than 30 years of experience as a people person seeks a position in a stable company that offers opportunity for growth. While it's essential to include a summary objective, you want one that focuses on what you offer, not what you want. (It's a waste of space to mention your desire to join a stable company because you want growth opportunities.)

Even though you're proud of your work history, referencing "30 years" of experience screams "older worker" and it'll often knock you out of the running in this market. Swap that for "experienced" without number of years.

"People person" is too vague -- it could be a teacher, a nurse, a sales associate or any number of jobs. A better version: "Experienced financial manager with demonstrated success in maintaining the accuracy and integrity of corporate financials. Well-established ability to manage and problem solve effectively. Passion rooted in non-profit services." In very few words, any reader can instantly understand what this person does.