Meet the Collin County Career Club

Plano group members preparing 30-second "commercials" to sell themselves.

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 29, 2008, 11:31 AM

Oct. 30, 2008 — -- Club Name: Collin County Career Club of Plano, Texas

Club Members: Judy, Marissa and Cherie

Club Leader: Cherie Ware

Cherie Ware Tells the Story: Hi Tory, We held our first meeting for the Collin County Career Club yesterday -- 4 members in attendance. We talked for 2-1/2 hours! We shared our individual career histories and current job search challenges. There was a lot of advice flowing between the members - contact leads, recommendations for recruiter's networks, and resume advice. We talked about the need to make time to refresh our resumes on all the job boards and to enhance our LinkedIn Profile for ultimate exposure to recruiters.

Some of us expressed feeling overwhelmed with the amount of information coming at us from networking groups, career transition workshops and daily alerts from the major job boards. We have to be more disciplined in how we're spending our time so the result is a strategic and effective job search - not just being in scattered response mode. Lastly, we reminded ourselves to schedule time with EMPLOYED contacts, not just the unemployed members of our networking groups!

We will continue to meet weekly. We've assigned homework for next week: each member will be asked to present their 30-second commercial and other members will critique for maximum impact. We're also asking each participant to share their Top 10 Company Target list. We hope to have 3 additional members in attendance next week. Please let me know if there is any other information you would like us to share. I believe this club structure is a success - we're building close, personal relationships with other professionals in our community. Thank you. Have a great week!