Just One Thing: 'Green' Your De-Icer

Rock salt may make your driveway safer to walk on, but what about the earth?

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 28, 2009, 8:00 AM

Jan. 28, 2009 — -- Because slipping and sliding their way to the car is not most people's idea of a good start to the morning, many homeowners drop a little rock salt on their walkways to provide some much-needed traction.

At $5 for a 50-pound bag, you get a lot of ice-melt for your buck.

But regular rock salt has ecological issues. It is known to corrode vehicles and pavement, damage vegetation and marine life and even hurt your puppy's paws.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, contamination fears have been raised because of road salt runoff.

Luckily there are several eco-friendly alternatives that can keep you on sure footing and help the environment.

Magic Salt is 70 percent less corrosive than rock salt and works to 35 degrees below zero. At $9 for a 50-pound bag, it is more expensive than rock salt, but it is far more effective so a savvy salter can use up to 40 percent less.

Ice-Clear is 100 percent organic and noncorrosive, biodegrades readily and contains no toxic materials or corrosive salts. It will not harm any trees, shrubs or lawns and works to 50 below zero.