New Details in Case of Honeymooner Lost at Sea

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 9, 2005, 7:26 AM

Dec. 9, 2005 — -- George Smith and his new wife, Jennifer, were enjoying their honeymoon on a dream cruise in the Mediterranean this summer. Then Smith vanished, and five months later authorities are still baffled.

"To be honest with you, our theories change on a daily basis," said his sister, Bree Smith, in an exclusive interview with "Good Morning America."

According to witnesses, on the evening before Smith's July 5 disappearance, the newlyweds were drinking and gambling with a few men they had met onboard. Hours later, passengers reported hearing loud crashes coming from the couple's cabin. In the morning, a pool of blood was discovered on the deck below the room, but Smith was nowhere to be found.

"Basically, the extent of the blood that has been reported in the media is an indication to us that he was murdered," Bree Smith said. "George was not depressed, it's clearly not a suicide, and the fact that the FBI is still investigating five months later, obviously indicates that there's some suspicious circumstances surrounding my brother's disappearance."

Jennifer Smith has been cleared by the FBI of any wrongdoing, according to her attorney.

"I'll say one thing," said Maureen Smith, George's mother. "When my son left on his honeymoon with Jennifer, they were the most in love young couple I have ever seen."

The Smith family says they plan to sue Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines.

"I think from the beginning, Royal Caribbean made a lot of major mistakes, right from the beginning," said George Smith Sr. "I think they should've went into George's room, where they didn't. Passengers warned them about the violent fight that was going on. They said 'you've got to get in there,' and when they didn't go into that cabin, they opened up a whole Pandora."

George Smith Sr. says he does not believe his son fell overboard.

A spokesperson from Royal Caribbean said: "From day one we've been cooperating fully with the FBI. We've turned over significant amount of information to the FBI."

Congress will hold hearings on cruise-line safety next week, but for the Smith family the legislation comes too late.

"It may be months, it may be years, but we are confident the culprits will be arrested and they will go to jail, hopefully for the rest of their lives," Bree Smith said. "My brother is not here and they should not be going about their daily lives while my brother is missing in the Aegean Sea."