Sexy Video Sends Ex-Teacher Back to Jail

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 9, 2006, 8:07 AM

May 9, 2006 — -- Lamar and Karen Rogers say they are devastated that their daughter, Pamela Rogers, has been re-arrested for contacting the 13-year-old boy she admitted having a sexual relationship with last year.

"This is not our daughter," Lamar Rogers told "Good Morning America," adding he was "shocked" when he learned his daughter had violated her probation.

In February 2005, Rogers, 28, a former beauty queen and former teacher, was arrested and charged with 15 counts of sexual battery by an authority figure and 13 counts of statutory rape for her relationship with a student at Centertown Elementary in Mcminnville, Tenn., where she taught physical education. A judge sentenced Rogers to serve nine months of an eight-year prison sentence and ordered her never to contact the boy again.

Only two months after being released from prison after 198 days for good behavior, Rogers was re-arrested for allegedly posting messages to the boy on a Web site. After pleading not guilty, she allegedly continued to contact the boy, even sending him graphic cell phone video of her dancing suggestively.

Karen Rogers said when she looked back at her daughter's childhood, she saw no signs of trouble.

"I see a very happy young girl growing up," Karen Rogers said. "She always made everyone very happy around her. She was just a very normal, happy young girl."

Lamar Rogers said that Pamela was in the Top 10 of the graduating class of her high school, received honorable mention in USA Today for All-American high school basketball, and was homecoming queen in college.

The Rogerses said their daughter started to change when her marriage to fellow teacher Chris Turner began to dissolve.

"She needed something that she wasn't being given," Karen Rogers said.