Simple Ways to Battle Bloating

Dr. Mehmet Oz shares easy tips on how to avoid the discomfort of bloating.

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 18, 2009, 8:42 PM

Oct. 19, 2009— -- Many of us have experienced it -- the uncomfortable feeling of bloating. The side effects can be painful and embarrassing, and they can also be warning signs of bigger health problems.

There are ways to help stop and even prevent the discomfort of everyday bloating. Dr. Mehmet Oz, the host of "The Dr. Oz Show," stopped by "Good Morning America" today and explained what foods and lifestyle choices cause bloating, and how to get rid of it.

Bloating, he explained, is "an uncomfortable buildup of air in your digestive track ... a civil war happening inside your gut."

"Twenty percent of the gas that causes bloating is actually from gas we swallow, 80 percent is from the digestive product," he said.

That 80 percent comes from the breakdown of undigested food in the digestive tract, and also occurs when the body doesn't absorb certain carbohydrates -- including sugars, starches and fiber found in many foods -- because of a shortage or absence of particular enzymes that aid digestion.

"[Bloating] can add about 3 inches to your waist," Oz said, adding that it affects both men and women.

Part of the problem is that "people get embarrassed about it," he said. "We learn a lot if we'll just be honest."

Oz says common foods we eat every day can cause bloating, such as carbonated beverages and artificial sweeteners, certain fruits and vegetables, wheat and dairy products.

Carbonated Beverages, Artificial Sweeteners:
Carbonated beverages "have gas in them ... and cause gas in your intestinal system," Oz said.

He also said to look out for anything that contains sorbitol, an artificial sweetener found in some sodas, gums and hard candies that your body cannot break down.

"The body has trouble digesting them," he said.

Certain Fruits and Vegetables:
Vegetables and fruits, including beans, potatoes, brussels sprouts, lentils, broccoli, bananas and raisins, are good for your health, but they contain complex sugars and starches that are hard to break down and can cause bloating.

"These vegetables will often have sugar in them and starches that are hard to digest," Oz said. "All you get is gas."

Wheat and Dairy:
Wheat and dairy can cause bloating for those who suffer gluten or lactose intolerance or allergies.

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