A User's Guide to Your Physical Exam

Learn if you are up to date on recommended screenings and shots.

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 6, 2010, 6:36 PM

July 7, 2010— -- ABC News' senior health and medical editor Dr. Richard Besser recently visited his own doctor, and learned that a checkup is not as simple as it once was. Here are a few tips on what to expect at your visit.

Your visit with your primary care provider (PCP) usually starts with you talking about why you are there. This is your opportunity to discuss your particular concerns. You will also discuss your medical and surgical and family history.

You can expect a physical exam that includes an assessment of your blood pressure, height and weight, and other important "vital signs" like your heart rate and temperature. For your first visit, your PCP may also examine your heart, lungs, abdomen and other systems during the exam.

Health screenings are meant to detect disease in the early stage to be treated early. They are tests that are not risky.

Immunizations are another preventive health service that are offered to most patients and are meant to prevent and protect against disease. Most people don't realize that vaccines are not just for children; there are important shots adults need to get too.

Recommended screenings and immunizations vary by age group and risk factors. Here are some important tests, screenings and vaccines by age group that apply to most people without increased risks.
