Quick Tip: Summer Skin Safety
Dr. Richard Besser helps you save your skin this summer.
July 21, 2010— -- Do you want to know how to take care of your skin this summer? You may already know the basics like drinking water and wearing sunscreen, but on "GMA" I explained how you can save your summer skin.
Put dryness in the past by avoiding long, hot showers and applying lotion as soon as you get out.
You should also replace razors frequently since build up from sunscreen and lotions can dull the blade and lead to nasty nicks.
But when it comes to skin cancer, the most common form of cancer in the United States, where should you be looking on your body to check for signs?
No matter what your skin color, you have to check your skin regularly for signs of skin cancer. The first place to check is any area that is sun-exposed: your face, neck, ears, hands and your back and legs if you're at the beach. Don't forget your arm if you hang it out the window while you're driving. Balding men should check their scalps -- even the skin exposed by the part in your hair.
The most common skin cancers are squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas. When caught early and treated, they rarely cause further problems. They are not always easy to detect, but if you have any kind of abnormality on your skin that doesn't go away within two weeks to a month, you should go to the doctor to get it checked.
CLICK HERE to learn more on skin cancer prevention and treatment options
The more serious form of skin cancer is melanoma. Melanomas are often found on skin that is newly exposed to the sun like the backs of men, and on the backs or legs of women, now in the sun because of warm weather clothes.
To determine if an unusual mole is actually melanoma or any other skin cancer, you can follow the A-B-C-D-E guideline developed by the American Academy of Dermatology:
CLICK HERE to see examples of normal and abnormal moles to help you spot melanoma