Resources: Drinking Water and Your Health

Check out some ways to see how safe your tap water is based on where you live.

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 9, 2010, 10:02 PM

July 1, 2010— -- With tap water safe and abundant in the United States, Peter H. Gleick looks at why so many Americans drink their water from plastic bottles -- many of which end up in massive landfills.

Gleick dropped by "Good Morning America" today to talk about his new book, "Bottled & Sold," and the big business of the bottled water industry.

In the book, Gleick argues that bottled water companies have waged an advertising campaign against tap water, implying it to be unpure and, therefore, unsafe.

CLICK HERE to read an excerpt from Gleick's book.

Though the United States has "one of the safest water supplies in the world," according to the Environment Protection Agency, there are several resources Americans can use to ensure the water from their sink is safe and healthy.