Holding on to Your Health Care

How to keep your health care coverage even if you're unemployed.

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 16, 2009, 6:18 PM

March 18, 2009 — -- An estimated 4 million Americans have lost their health insurance coverage during the recession, according to the Center for American Progress Action Fund, a Washington, D.C., think tank. But the economic crisis doesn't have to turn into a health care crisis for your family.

"Good Morning America's" financial contributor Mellody Hobson offers tips and advice that will help the employed and unemployed hold on to their medical coverage.

If you haven't been laid off yet, the first thing to do is get a physical through your employer's plan. Have everyone in the family get one, if they're covered for it. Many companies will cover all the costs as part of their wellness programs, which will come in handy if you later find yourself looking for your own insurance.

Next, if your spouse has health insurance at his or her job, see if you can join their plan. You may think it's too late to do so after the usual election period, but that's not always the case. Losing your coverage is considered a "qualifying event," assuming a layoff is imminent, akin to an exception to the rules. Jump on this, because some health plans have a time limit for you to take advantage of that loophole, usually between one and two months after you've lost your coverage.

Most of us have heard of COBRA insurance, which extends the coverage your employer used to provide after you've left your job. Generally speaking, if your employer has more than 20 employees, it is required to offer it to you for at least 18 months. You'll pay the premium.

You have 60 days to decide whether to opt for a COBRA plan, and I advise you to take that time. If you find a new job with health insurance, then you've saved yourself two months of a costly premium.

Here's something many people don't know: If the worst happens and you need coverage during those two months, you can restart your old plan as long as you pay the premium.

The premium can be very costly, especially when you're out of work.