Tips: Summer Tanning Dos and Don'ts

New study warns of tanning bed dangers. Here's help to stay safe this summer.

ByABC News, via GMA
May 26, 2010, 11:10 PM

May 27, 2010 — -- A new study about the possible connection between tanning beds and skin cancer could bring a shiver even to those basking in indoor tanning salons.

The large case-control study published today the by American Association of Cancer Research found that indoor tanning was associated with a 74 percent higher risk of skin cancer. Indoor tanning machines were associated with a four-fold increased risk of skin cancer, researchers said.

Click here to read more about the study in our full report.

To help keep your skin safe this summer, "Good Morning America" spoke to dermatologist Dr. Doris Day, who offered the following dos and don'ts.

Do: Avoid Tanning Beds

In addition to the study noted above, Day said the idea that a base tan protects you is not true. You may not burn as quickly, but you still are damaging your skin.

Do: Wear Sunglasses and Hats

The sunglasses should have UVA/UVB protection and they should wrap around and cover the sides as well as the front of the face. For hats, baseball caps do not cut it. Hats should shade your whole face and head.

Don't: Wax or Exfoliate Right Before Sun Exposure

Things like waxing or exfoliating, anything that causes inflammation or redness, should be done at least seven days before you go to the beach because if the skin is irritated from doing those things, you could burn more easily.

Also, avoid beauty products that could make your skin more sensitive, like alpha hydroxy acid.

Do: Avoid Retin-A Products in the Sun

Avoid Retin-A products when out in the sun. If you use Retin-A, it actually makes your skin healthier, but healthier skin is more sensitive to the sun. The thing to do is use Retin-A at night and make sure to put sunscreen on during the day.

Do: Avoid Drinks with Lemon and Celery in Them

Lemons and celery contain psoralen, which is a photosynthesizing chemical. Just by touching them, you are making your skin more sensitive to the sun. You should avoid handling them or wash your hands after touching them when you are out in the sun.

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