Introducing The MomIndex: American Moms Score a C+ and 'GMA' track the quality of moms' lives.

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 15, 2010, 8:52 PM

June 21, 2010 — -- How satisfied are America's moms with their quality of life? According to the MomIndex, they give themselves a C+.

The social networking site shared the results of a new index measuring and tracking the quality of mothers' lives on on "Good Morning America" today.

"I became a dad and found out firsthand that moms rule the world," actor and co-founder Andrew Shue said on "Good Morning America" today. "For the first time ever we're going to meaure how their lives are doing. Moms lead our families … driving our values, our education, the economy.", connects more than 6 million mothers and moms-to-be on all aspects of life, providing them a virtual meeting place where they can find each other for conversation and support.

"CafeMom, it really is all about moms serving each other," Shue said. "Moms form their own groups around hundreds and hundreds of topics. It can be moms trying to quit smoking. Moms raising an ADHD kid."

Their MomIndex is based on responses to key questions in five areas of a mom's life: self, kids, relationships, money, and the larger world. Each mom could get a maximum score of 100, which would indicate complete satisfaction.


While the MomIndex is not an official scientific poll, it was conducted with a nationally representative sample of 2,000 moms. The average MomIndex score was 76.5 -- a C+ -- and nine percent of moms scored over 90 percent, representing an "A" grade.

The average score represents "a passing grade," CafeMom executive vice president Laura Fortner said on "GMA." "That's encouraging in some respects, but there's certainly room for improvement there."


In general, moms seem pretty satisfied with family relationships and themselves. But the index found half of moms are not satisfied with their sex lives -- moms on average are having sex one to two times per week. That's not so shocking when you hear how negative many moms feel about their physical appearance.


What is making moms happy are their kids.

"My kids are very good at making me feel good about myself," one mom said. "They are good at giving compliments, especially in my down days they will come up to me and say 'Mommy you're great, Mommy I love you,' and it makes things so much better."