Chill Out at a Water Park

Find out about some of the top water parks in the country.

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 10, 2008, 6:30 PM

July 11, 2008 — -- A water park is a great place to take the kids this summer to cool off and have fun. Eighty million Americans will visit a water park this summer, and with over 1,000 to choose from in the U.S., you can probably find one close to you.

Here are a few of the parks GMA mentioned on air, with links to their Web sites:

Safety at Water Parks
Statistically speaking, water parks are pretty safe places to have fun. Fatalities at water parks across the country remain extremely low. Rick Root, president of the World Waterpark Association in Overland Park, Kansas, said that over the last 10 years, the industry has averaged just two to three drownings per year, from more than 80 million visits per year.