Bacon Cupcakes, Bacon Cake? Why Not?

A bacon competition draws some serious creativity from bacon enthusiasts.

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 30, 2009, 10:55 AM

March 30, 2009 — -- When it comes to bringing home the bacon, literally, that is, Americans are near-professionals. Last year Americans ate more than $2 billion worth of bacon.

Lisa Haas, a "baconographer," told "Good Morning America" the pig product's popularity should not come as a surprise.

"It's inexpensive, it tastes great and you can put it in anything," she said. "People just love it."

But the fact that someone would proudly identify themselves as a baconographer is more telling of the food's current popularity than most anything Haas could say.

As a 2008 report from found, popular cookbooks are dedicated just to bacon. People have made clothes dedicated to the fried delight. There's even bacon toilet paper.

Matt Timms is one bacon-lover well aware of the trend. He is the founder of a Brooklyn-based competition called Bacon Takedown in which contestants enter their favorite homemade bacon recipes.

"I just wanted people to enjoy food, to get together and to fight about it," Timms said.

Some of the entries are odd, to say the least. He has seen bacon ice cream, a bacon cake and bacon tamalies.

"Good Morning America" asked its viewers to send in their own homemade bacon concotions. Check them out on the next page, then head here for some more of our delicious recipes.

About ¼ to ½ cup brown sugar, or to taste

1½ cups sugar

1½ tablespoons molasses

½ cup vegetable shortening

1 egg

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

½ teaspoon ground nutmeg

½ teaspoon ground cloves

½ teaspoon ground ginger

½ teaspoon cinnamon

2¼ cups flour

½ cup apple juice

½ to 1 cup pecans, or to taste

Directions for Cookies:

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix the chopped bacon with enough brown sugar to coat, then spread it in a baking sheet and bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes, stirring once or twice during baking. Remove from oven and spread on paper towels to cool and drain. When cooled, whirl them briefly in a food processor along with the pecans to chop fine.

2. Preheat the oven to 350 again. Cream together the sugar, molasses, shortening , and egg, and then sift in the baking powder, baking soda, nutmeg, cloves, ginger, cinnamon and flour. Stir in the apple juice until the batter is well blended. Then fold in the chopped bacon bits and pecans.

3. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto a greased cookie sheet and bake at 350 for 10 minutes. Let cool, and then frost with caramel glaze (recipe below). Yields 7 to 8 dozen.

Ingredients for Caramel Glaze:

Directions for Caramel Glaze:

1. Melt together butter and brown sugar over medium heat, stirring until butter is melted and sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat and stir in milk or cream, salt, and powdered sugar. Thin with more milk if desired.

*For extra bacon flavor, add just a little reserved bacon drippings to taste.

Electric Bacon

By J.J. Proville of Brooklyn, N.Y.

Yield: 40 to 50 slices of bacon

Ingredients for Cure:

Ingredients for Pork:

Directions for the Cure:

Combine salt, sugars, bay leaves, pepper, thyme, allspice and chili flakes.

Directions for the Pork:

Submerge the pork belly in the cure for 3.5-4 days. Remove from the cure. Rinse thoroughly twice. Let the bacon air-dry uncovered in the refirgerator for 24 hours. In a smoker of grill over indirect heat, smoke the bacon using a mix of cherry and applewood chips or chunks for 6 hours. Remove from smoker and reserve in a chilled place.

Directions to Serve:

Using a meat slicer, slice bacon. Preheat a hot grill using hardwood lump charcoal. Brush or drizzle agave nectar onto slices. Grill the bacon slices for 1 minute per side or until crispy. Sprinkle evenly with Szechuan buttons and serve.

8 pounds slab bacon

1 large (28 ounce) can crushed New Jersey tomatoes

2 Cans tomato Paste

8 large carrots

5 large onions

6 large shallots

4 large red bell peppers

2 cups ketchup

1 cup white wine

½ cup maple syrup

¼ cup brown sugar

½ cup Piri-Piri Pepper Sauce

cup cilantro

cup peanut bButter

Sprinkling cayenne

Sprinkling Old Bay

Sprinkling salt

Sprinkling Pepper

5 cups Mexican Crema

14 baguettes, sliced into thin slices


1. Sear beef, pork and veal in large stock pot.

2. Add the rest of the ingredients and simmer for 10 hours (Yes, it takes a long time!!).

3. Slice 14 Baguetttes into thin slices.

4. Put Crema in Squeeze Bottle.

5. Serve 1 Tablespoon of Sloppy Joe Mix with squirt of Crema on individual piece of Baguette.

6. Enjoy.

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