Sara Moulton's Fancy Food Favorites

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 11, 2006, 8:25 AM

July 11, 2006 — -- Every year, "Good Morning America's" food editor Sara Moulton navigates her way through aisle after aisle at the Fancy Food Show.

At this year's 52nd Summer Fancy Food Show, 160,000 food products were featured.

The show, which is closed to the public and travels around the country, kicked off in New York on Sunday and ends its Big Apple stay today.

To see where it goes next, visit the show's Web site.

All the products featured there will be available to the public within weeks. Moulton found that this year, the predominant flavor trends were wasabi and pomegranates.

Check out some of the great new products she found below.