After 2 Kids, Paltrow Returns to Big Screen in 'Iron Man'

Gwyneth Paltrow opens up about new movie and postpartum depression.

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 19, 2008, 12:41 PM

April 29, 2008— -- After taking nearly three years off from her juggernaut Hollywood career to raise her two gorgeous children, Gwenyth Paltrow is back in the limelight, starring in one of the summer's biggest blockbuster films, "Iron Man."

The Academy-Award winning actress stars alongside Robert Downey Jr. as a red-headed Girl Friday, Pepper Potts, in a big screen remake of the Marvel comic book classic.

"We had a lot of fun … Robert is just a ball of energy and creativity, and he's just hilarious … Robert can play anything, any accent, any age. He's got that extra chip of brilliance, and so I had always wanted to work with him, because I felt, A, it would be fun, and B, it would raise my game," Paltrow said.

It was the lure of the great cast, which also includes Jeff Bridges, Terrence Howard and director Jon Favreau, which convinced Paltrow to return to work. With 4-year-old Apple and 2-year-old Moses still at home, the celebrity supermom managed to strike a balance.

"I would have big chunks of time off and work two days a week. I was able to take Apple to a nursery, to cook and be home and swim with them. It was a gentle easing back into the world of movies," Paltrow said.

This month Paltrow appears on the cover of Vogue magazine, in which she revealed that after giving birth to Moses she struggled with postpartum depression.

Describing the experience to Robin Roberts on "Good Morning America" today, Paltrow said, "It was surprising. I've been a balanced, happy person. It was really shocking to me to feel so out of my body and detached. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me."

"Finally, as I started to come out of it, I think what started to help me, I really started to get serious about nutritional stuff because I was eating a lot of junk food. I was nursing and starving and eating cupcakes and not exercising."

Paltrow, has long been known for her macrobiotic diet, which includes no processed foods or refined sugar, whole grains and vegetables.

"When I started to get hold of that [her diet], started exercising, things started to balance … I didn't have to take medication. I was able to do it with exercise, yoga, nutrition and acupuncture."