Five Gift Ideas for Dad That Won't Break Your Budget

From the reader to the golfer, "GMA" has a gift idea for almost any father.

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 9, 2008, 3:16 PM

June 10, 2008 — -- Ditch the lame tie and get dad a gift he actually will want and enjoy this Father's Day. "Good Morning America" technology contributor Becky Worley gives you five great gift ideas for dad. Who knows? Giving him one of these presents just might make you his favorite.

Eye-Fi Share Card

Price: $99.99

The Eye-Fi share card allows you to wirelessly upload your photos directly from your camera to your favorite photo sharing or social networking Web site and your PC or Mac, which means no more hooking up your camera to the computer.

Eye-Fi is the perfect gift for the dad who hates wires and cords and never gets around to sharing and storing pictures. Photos automatically upload; no cords or cradles are required. With the Eye-Fi share card, your dad can share his pictures more easily with friends and family members because pictures upload directly to his favorite photo site.

Xshot Camera Extender
Price: $29.95
Now you don't have to worry about an unwanted extremity being in any picture you take of yourself. The Xshot Camera Extender is telescoping camera mount that extends three feet away from you, so you can take pictures of yourself without getting your arm in the frame. It's available at Brookstone.

Grill Daddy

Price: $14.99

Summer is here and that means so is barbecue season. If your dad loves to fire up the grill, he also may enjoy the Grill Daddy. At such an inexpensive price the cleanup brush could be the perfect gift for your favorite grillmaster.

The Grill Daddy is simple to use and easy to clean.

Red E Golf Cleats

Price: $9.95

If dad is a business man and does a lot of "meetings" on the golf course, the Red E Golf Cleats may be the perfect present for him.

It's a way for him to have a backup pair of golf shoes with him at all times by turning any shoes into golf shoes in just minutes. The shoes are totally golf course-friendly and cause no damage to greens. Also, they are reusable up to 20 games and wonderful for traveling golfers, too. Price: $19.99

Brain Age & Brain Age 2 for the Nintendo DS are gifts dad can use with the kids' gaming console if he doesn't have one of his.

It gives dad brain the workout he needs. Exercise is the key to good health both for body and mind and now, with the Brain Age games, there's a way to make mental exercise fun, and even competitive.

Amazon Kindle

Price: $359

At 5.3 by 7.5 inches, the Kindle is thinner and lighter than the typical paperback, which is why this gift could replace dad's old-school books.

The device can hold titles from more than 29,000 books available and you don't even have to subscribe to the service.Consumers can pay by the book and even get newspapers on their digital device. Choose from major publishers and bestsellers. Those perks, along with a built-in dictionary, will ensure dad always has something to read on his train commute home.