Love Is in the Air ... and on the Airplane

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 11, 2006, 3:29 PM

Feb. 11, 2006 — -- A new service called matches solo travelers with their ideal seatmates, giving singles a chance at love as they travel.

"I would do it in a heartbeat, absolutely," said Karolyn Woo. "I fly every week and it really makes a difference who you're sitting next to."

Peter Shankman,'s CEO, said the service aims to please.

"If you meet someone on the plane, and you have a great time on the plane, and you wind up having a date and having 10,000 babies, good for you," he said. "The purpose of the site is to have a good time on your flight and make it a little more fun."

Musician and reality TV star Lisa Loeb used the Web site in her search to find love during an episode of her show, "Number One Single."

"I travel all the time," she said. "And I have met interesting people on the plane before. And somebody told me about Airtroductions, and I went online. For some reason, I trusted it and I thought, 'Well it's gonna be safe.'

"I'm on an airplane," she added, "and I actually ended up with a pretty good date."

Toni Elliot and Jay Chiongbian are hope for the same. They are traveling from different cities for an airport rendezvous in New York.

"There's nothing better than getting to your final destination and maybe having the opportunity to meet with someone you've been chatting with," Chiongbian said.

"From his profile, I've talked to him and e-mailed," Elliot said. "I think he will be a fun guy."

Only time will tell if this encounter will result in a relationship upgrade.