Taser Maker Targets Civilian Sales

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 15, 2005, 10:29 AM

Feb. 16, 2005 — -- Taser International is targeting a new market for its stun guns -- regular citizens and homeowners. But some are questioning whether the devices are safe enough for civilian use.

In several recent incidents, people have been seriously injured or even died after police shocked them with Tasers. Earlier this week, a 14-year-old boy suffered cardiac arrest and a 54-year-old man died after being hit with a Taser by police in Chicago.

Although home-use Tasers pack less of a punch than police-issue ones, some worry that widespread civilian use of Tasers could lead to more tragedies. Currently only a handful of states and cities restrict or ban the use of Tasers by civilians. But now Amnesty International is calling for a ban on civilian use.

"The manufacturers claim these are nonlethal weapons," William Schulz, executive director of Amnesty International USA, said this week on ABC News' "Good Morning America."

The company says it has sold 135,000 Tasers to law officers in 7,000 agencies nationwide. Schulz said his group does not oppose police use of Tasers, but said the deaths and injuries that have occurred after police Taser use show the devices can be dangerous.

"Amnesty International documented more than 70 deaths associated with police use of Tasers, and the police are trained to use them," he said.

Tom Smith, the president of Taser International, says Amnesty's claims are taken out of context, and in most of those cases, Tasers have not been definitively proven as causing the deaths. He added that Tasers have proven extremely successful in law enforcement, resulting in a drop in police shootings in cities that use them.

Smith also said that the company has been selling Tasers to the public since 1994 and that there are currently about 100,000 of them in the hands of civilians, and in the vast majority of cases, they have not been misused.

The company is getting more requests from citizens looking to purchase a Taser for personal protection, said Smith. "They are much more recognized now and people want to use them," he said. "A lot of people are not comfortable with using a firearm."

Tasers fire two wires tipped with electric barbs, delivering a shock that painfully and briefly paralyzes a person. The new consumer model, which costs $1,000, has a range of 15 feet and is designed to stun for 30 seconds. The civilian-use model delivers a 50,000-volt shock, according to Taser International.

The more powerful police counterpart fires 25 feet, with a stronger initial jolt of up to five seconds, extendable for as long as the officer wants.

Supporters say increased use of the stun gun will prevent deaths from real guns.

Milan Hart, a Minnesota gun shop owner who is in favor of selling Tasers to civilians, volunteered to be shot with a stun gun by local police to demonstrate their safety.