Ty Pennington Gives Tips on Eco-Friendly Housing

'Extreme Makeover: Home Edition' star hosts ADHD Experts on Call.

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 8, 2009, 1:13 AM

Sept. 18, 2007 — -- Making your home more environmentally friendly isn't just limited to the summer months. With autumn beginning just days from now, "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" host Ty Pennington appeared on "Good Morning America" today to demonstrate how to make homes more green this season.

Pennington is also hosting the ninth annual ADHD Experts on Call, Wednesday, which is National Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Awareness Day.

Free information is available if you call 1-888-ASK-ADHD or visit www.ADHDExpertsOnCall.com.

Get tips for getting a green home below.

Sustainable materials, like bamboo, are key ingredients. Try items that are rapidly renewable.

That means it basically grows as fast as you cut it, and that keeps forests healthy by decreasing logging.

If 1 million households changed four light bulbs each, then 900,000 tons of greenhouse gases would be eliminated. For the most lifelike results, look for bulbs with a color temperature of about 2,700K and a color rendition index of at least 80.

Make sure the bulbs are Energy Star approved. If every American household replaces at least one incandescent bulb with a compact fluorescent bulb, then it will prevent greenhouse gases equivalent to the annual emissions of nearly 800,000 cars.

But, it is important to note you must handle the bulbs with care when you dispose them.

Eco-friendliness isn't limited to a home's interior. Outside aesthetics can be decorative and useful, and help the environment.

Try planting cheap grapevines to produce natural shade to any home. You can place plants atop your home. They'll get lots of light and soak up weather.

You also can go the more expensive route by installing rooftop solar panels. The photovoltaic system produces 150 kWh every month. That is about one-sixth of what the average American home uses, and keeps 300 pounds of CO2 out of the air.

Also, 150 pounds of coal and 105 gallons of water are saved using the system.

When it comes to being green, never underestimate the power of young people. In fact, one in seven children blames his or her parents at least partly for global warming.

Set a positive example for kids by turning off a light every time you leave a room.

Unplug unused outlets.

And finally, recycle. This can include reusing wood for housing decks, or something as simple as monitoring the usage of plastic water bottles.