911 Turkey Tips for Chefs in Despair

ByABC News via GMA logo
November 11, 2003, 7:58 AM

NEW YORK, Nov. 27, 2003 — -- Once again, chef Sara Moulton has come to the rescue of Good Morning America viewers who are all worked up over the Thanksgiving meal once again in our annual "Turkey 911!" series.

Moutlon looked over every "Turkey 911!" e-mail sent via ABCNEWS.com.

Take a look at some of the most popular questions and answers.

Question: How do you properly wash the turkey? Debra, Wellsville, Pa.,

Sara's Answer: Put your turkey in a clean sink with water and wash it with your hands, making sure you cover every spot. They rinse it off and wash your hands with soapy water. Pat the turkey dry with paper towels. Then tuck back the wings of the turkey. Wash your hands again and dry them with a clean paper towel. You need to be really careful about salmonella when working with turkey.

Question: "My turkey is still partially frozen, how do I get it thawed?"

Sara's Answer: If your turkey weighs more than 12 pounds, it could be too late. But if it's lighter, get started right away by filling up your sink with cold water. Then put the turkey in the water, breast side down. The defrosting takes 30 minutes per pound, and you should defrost the turkey in a sink full of cold water. (On Thanksgiving morning, this will work for turkeys, 10 to 12 pounds, but for larger ones, you will have to wait until Friday to cook.) Also, you should change the water frequently.

Question: This will be my first time cooking a Turkey. How do I even begin? How do I make sure it will be juicy? Elizabeth of Bonita, Ca.,

Sara's Answer: After you wash it see instructions above try to keep moisture in the bottom of your turkey pan with a chicken broth.

Then, follow the time chart. (See chart below) The government says that you should cook turkey about 20 to 25 minutes per pound.

When you first start, smear up your breast with some butter, and cover it tightly with aluminum foil until the last hour to keep the moisture in. In the last hour of cooking, remove the cover, and it will brown nicely, she said.