Dilleys Tackle Their Teens

The country's first surviving sextuplets are now 14 years old.

ByABC News via GMA logo
November 28, 2007, 9:13 AM

Nov. 28, 2007 — -- Thirty thousand bottles and 20,000 diapers have passed since the country's first surviving sextuplets entered the world. Now, 14 years later, the Dilleys children are high school freshmen in Indianapolis and tackling many of the issues familiar to teenagers.

From birth, "Good Morning America's" Diane Sawyer has followed the lives of Adrian, Claire, Quinn, Ian, Brenna and Julian.

Parents Keith and Becki Dilley, who had tried for years to get pregnant before achieving success with aid of fertility drugs, have watched as their six children have transformed into distinct individuals.

Now the parents who once dealt with a dozen arms and 60 tiny little fingers that got into everything are today helping their children learn to shave and put on makeup.

Becki said she has no regrets about having six kids at one time. The trouble now is they are all growing up at once.

"I like having them all at once," Becki said. "The only thing is they're growing up so quickly. So, you kind of just feel like there's this little clock ticking down all the time."

Their once bustling home, which was full of noises that echoed down the hallways, is much quieter today. Becki and Keith said it feels empty sometimes.

"Keith and I find ourselves alone a lot," Becki said. "We come home, it's like, 'Where is everybody?' And I say, 'Well, they're not expected home till 11:30 or so. 'You mean we're like by ourselves?'"

Keith said he and his wife question what they should do in their empty home. But the couple can't always rest or have free time.

In fact, Keith said the exhaustion that accompanied the job when the Dilleys were infants and toddlers hasn't gone. It's only changed. Instead of changing diapers and packing the kids into the minivan, today Becki and Keith act more like a weekend taxi service for their children, shuttling them to wherever they need to go.

"It's changed," Keith said.

It's a different life now for the couple who raised their children without the help of a nanny or day care and who were strapped for money they couldn't afford a newspaper or a dinner out. Becki and Keith would often collapse at the end of their exhaustive days.