Fighting for the White Male Voter

Clinton addressed white working-class voters in a speech about the economy.

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 24, 2008, 8:45 AM

March 24, 2008 -- While Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., may be fashion forward when it comes to his open collars, he's having a real problem with blue collars. They're a group his Democratic rival Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., counts among her most loyal constituents.

Today in Philadelphia, Clinton addressed white working class families and put forward a four-part plan towards remedying the sub-prime mortgage crisis which includes a broader government role in buying out sub-prime mortgages and protecting homeowners.

Calling "confidence" the economy's "true currency," Clinton made the case that "we need a president who can restore our confidence, a president who is ready to confront complex economic problems with comprehensive solutions working to prevent crises, rather than just reacting to them once it's too late," according to a speech transcript.

"We need a president who is ready on day one to be commander-in chief of our economy. If you give me the chance, I will be that president."

White working-class families impacted by the mortgage crisis are an area of real weakness for Obama.

"There just does seem to be a certain reluctance of these non-college educated white men to support Barack Obama," says Democratic pollster Mark Mellman.

Many of Obama's white supporters are elites. More like the U2 that plays at his rallies than the Dolly Parton that plays at Clinton's.

Mellman continues, "What they really want is someone to deal with their economic concerns."

Living paycheck to paycheck, they're voters who are more focused on the economy, and Obama increasingly tries to appeal to them.

In his speech on race last week, Obama said "Most working- and middle-class white Americans worked hard all their lives, many times only to see their jobs shipped overseas or their pension dumped after a lifetime of labor."

Though Obama's scrappier opponent may be a millionaire, Clinton plays up her working-class roots, referencing her grandfather, who she says was 11 years old when he went to work in the lace mills, while her allies like union president Tom Buffenbarger attack Obama and his supporters as elitists.

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