160 Years After Mysterious Death, Edgar Allan Poe Gets Proper Funeral

The master of the macabre gets a memorial service 160 years later.

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 10, 2009, 6:24 PM

Oct. 11, 2009— -- Just 160 years after he died, Edgar Allan Poe is finally getting a funeral befitting one of America's greatest writers. Already, a pine casket has been visited by hundreds, and visitors have peered inside to see a surprisingly dead-looking replica of Poe.

And today the master of macabre, known for his poem "The Raven," will get not one, but two funeral services.

"This is our chance to make amends for what wasn't done in 1849," says Jeff Jerome, the curator of Baltimore's Poe House and Museum.

Poe's death was as mysterious as some of his works. He was found outside a bar, delirious, unable to tell anyone what was wrong with him. He was 40 years old and was dead within a few days. A cousin didn't announce the death and had Poe buried with only about 10 people in attendance.

As many as 700 people will attend the "new" services, including actors who will be playing the roles of friends, family and admirers.

"Alfred Hitchcock is coming, H.P. Lovecraft, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. All of these people jumped at the chance, and they will be in Baltimore for the funeral giving their own eulogies," says Jerome with his tongue firmly planted in his cheek.

"I tell you it's easier getting dead people to appear than living people," he adds.

And the replica Poe, replete with period dress, has been a huge draw as Baltimore and other cities that claim the writer as a native son celebrated the bicentennial of his birth.

"It is not a dummy. It's a re-creation of Mr. Poe. This is not a mannequin. When people look at this, people don't say there's a dummy dressed like Poe. They think it is Poe, and that's what we want," Jerome says.

The casket will be moved by horse-drawn carriage to the Westminster Church where Poe is buried, a place that remains a big tourist draw.

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