'News You Missed': Bank Robbers Call Ahead, Don't Frisk My Monkey

Thieves call bank to ask for money to be ready; TSA has new rules for monkeys.

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 27, 2010, 9:08 AM

March 27, 2010— -- We begin by opening up our criminal mastermind files to Albert Bailey. He, along with a young accomplice, called the People's United Branch Bank in Fairfield, Conn., to notify tellers that they were planning to rob the bank, saying, "We'll be there in 10 minutes. Get the money ready." When the alleged bank robbers arrived, they were surprised to find the police waiting for them in the parking lot.

It's been a big week for animal rescues, from the coyote found in Manhattan to the wild horses galloping in Chula Vista, Calif., to the raccoon in Mississippi, whose head was forcibly freed from a peanut butter jar. But check out this rescue story over in Lake Aspen, Wash., where a goose was pierced by an arrow and pitied by animal lovers. Bird expert Marsha Flamm of the Raptor House Rehab Center responded to the call by pulling the arrow from the goose's chest. Alas, a happy goose indeed.

When we think of "hero dogs," Lassie, Rin Tin Tin and Lady Gaga's Great Danes come to mind. But those are our heroes. Within the canine community, the new rock star is Winston, the dog that caught a cop car. Dash cam video from the Chattanooga, Tenn., police department caught Winston attacking a cop car for several minutes, and he didn't give up until he ripped the entire bumper off.

As long as we're on the animal and law enforcement theme, did you know that the TSA now has a policy for the proper way to search a service monkey? According to the Web site, the security officers are not allowed to touch your monkey, even if it sets off the metal detector. But he or she does have the right to remove any small hats or vests.

Speaking of the TSA, they announced this week that they will explore a new technology system that would detect the cell phones of people in line, track how fast they are moving through security and then post wait times on screens around the airport. I've got an idea. What if we took the money for that program and, I don't know, opened more lanes?