Bristol Palin Gets Primary Custody of Tripp, Levi Johnston Gets Twice-Weekly Visits

Bristol Palin Gets Primary Custody of Son, Tripp

ByABC News via GMA logo
August 3, 2010, 12:08 PM

Aug. 16, 2010— -- Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston have had a rocky relationship under the harsh glare of the public eye, but a new agreement that gives Palin primary custody of the pair's son, Tripp, also prohibits either party from talking trash about the other.

Twice engaged and twice split, the couple's relationship has been embarrassingly public and, at times, ugly. But they've agreed on one thing: custody of their 1-year-old son, Tripp.

Under the terms, Palin, 19, will have primary custody of the toddler, while Johnston, 20, will have just two days a week to visit his son. According to the agreement, his Saturday visits must be between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. and his Wednesday visits can start at noon and go no later than 6 p.m.

Johnston will pay child custody calculated from his current salary, which is estimated at about $72,000 a year, according to court documents.

"If Levi were to make substantially more [money], that would call for a larger amount of child support," said Toby Kleinman, attorney at the Center for Protection of Children.

The court documents also address a particularly contentious aspect of the Palin-Johnson relationship: trash talking.

According to the custody agreement "the parties agree that the child shall receive positive reinforcement about each party and that the child has the right to be free of negative comments by one parent about the other." That includes comments in the media.

That may be easier said than done for Johnston, who has leveled harsh accusations about his former girlfriend's famous mother, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

Palin didn't condone her daughter's decision to reunite with Johnston for the second time. The pair's first engagement fell apart in March 2009 after they appeared together throughout Sarah Palin's 2008 vice presidential campaign.

Following that breakup, Palin became a spokeswoman for teen abstinence, while Johnston chose a decidedly different path: posing for Playgirl magazine and exploring his options in the reality TV realm.

This time, the relationship went south apparently on the same day they announced they were reuniting. She claims that on the evening of July 14, he revealed that he may have fathered a baby with another teen girl.