'GMA' Layaway Live! 'GMA' Surprises Viewers by Paying Off Christmas Layaways

See how you can join in and help pay off someone’s layaway items.

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 8, 2014, 7:45 AM

— -- This morning on “Good Morning America” you saw people’s shock and joy at being surprised by “GMA” contributor Tim Tebow, who fully paid for the items they’d had on layaway.

Lucky shopper Jasmine Nunes couldn't believe it when Tebow approached her at Walmart in Orlando, Florida.

She owed $220.02 on her layaway account filled with items for her nieces and nephew, including a nephew who’ll be having his first Christmas.

Her family has been going through hard times, and when Tebow told Jasmine that “GMA” was going to pay off her layaway, she was ecstatic.

“Oh my God, thank you!” she said, hugging Tebow.

Later, she called her mother, telling her: “Mom you’re never going to believe what just happened. Tim Tebow just paid my layaway!”

“GMA” will be going across the country this week to surprise Walmart holiday shoppers and pay off their layaway accounts in full.

If you’d like to participate in paying off someone’s layaway items -- in full or by contributing whatever amount you can help reduce their bill -- click HERE to learn more about "pay away the layaway.

Tebow also surprised Christina Figueiredo, paying her $280 layaway bill, as well as Damara Jarrett's $701 layaway tab for her two small children, both at the same Walmart in Orlando.

Jarrett told Tebow that she’d been in a car accident about a month ago.

“I totally lost my car and I’m also a full time student, so I’ve got a lot of homework I’ve been catching up on and missed a lot of work,” she said.

There were tears when she learned her layaway account had been paid in full.

“Oh my God, are you for real?” she asked Tebow. “God bless you!

“You don’t understand how hard I’ve been working,” she said, adding that it felt like she’d hit the lottery. "And then I said I was going to take stuff off [the account] because I can’t afford everything, and then this. Just thank you. I just want to cry."