Second Lady Jill Biden's Acting Debut to Help Military Families

Jill Biden appears in "Army Wives" to raise awareness for military families.

ByABC News via GMA logo
August 5, 2010, 3:45 PM

Aug. 6, 2010 — -- Second Lady Jill Biden, wife of the vice president, is taking her national campaign to raise awareness of military families to the small screen, making her acting debut on an episode of Lifetime's "Army Wives." Biden called the gig "an opportunity I couldn't pass up."

"I felt that I could get out the message to so many people on this show because so many people watch it," Biden told "Good Morning America's" Robin Roberts. "I wish every American could just take a moment and reflect on what our soldiers are doing because they're over there... They're putting their lives at risk. And I just think we need to take a moment and say 'thank you' to a military family."

Biden's son, Beau Biden, serves in the Delaware National Guard and returned last year from a year-long deployment in Iraq.

"We are a military family," Jill Biden said. "He never left my thoughts, never left my mind. And I think that's what all the military families who have loved ones deployed are going through each and every day... I understand what they're going through and I think it's a real connection."

In the show, Biden, who plays herself, visits an Army fort to listen to military families talk about the challenges they face.

"The important thing is to realize you're not alone," Biden tells the gathered military wives, after listening to some grievances. "And when you need help, say so."

Biden said the sentiment of the program rings true with military families across the country.

"I think probably other families who aren't military don't know the stresses that are involved with having a loved one deployed," she said. "That's one reason why Michelle (Obama) and I, our first lady, are trying to wage a national campaign to make Americans aware of the lives of military families."