Officials Ask About Kyron Horman's Stepmom

Friend of Missing Oregon boy's stepmother calls her a "devoted mother."

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 20, 2010, 1:32 PM

June 20, 2010 — -- Investigators are asking some very specific questions about the movements of missing 7-year-old Kyron Horman's stepmother, Terri Horman, on the day he went missing -- and a friend of Terri Horman's told ABC News that Horman was given a polygraph test.

Police have not discussed a polygraph test or its results, and have not described Terri Horman as a suspect or person of interest in the disappearance of her stepson Kyron, who went missing more than two weeks ago.

However, when authorities called off major search operations and announced that they did not believe anyone else in the Oregon community was in danger, some speculated that police may have had a suspect in mind, likely someone who knew Kyron.

"They've already said, 'Relax, we don't think there's someone out there that's going to snatch your kid. We think this is an isolated incident,'" said C.W. Jensen, a retired police captain and former homicide investigator. "They've already told us volumes."

Terri Horman was the last known person to have seen the boy. She dropped him off at school the day he vanished.

Today, police will collect a questionnaire they sent out to the community in which they asked if anyone saw Terri Horman or the white truck she was driving on the day Kyron disappeared.

"Clearly, they need more information about what she did that day, where she was that day, and that's why they put this out," Jensen said.

Multnomah County Sheriff's Capt. Jason Gates said Terri Horman is "being cooperative with investigators. The whole family is being cooperative with investigators."

Through the ordeal, the family has remained mostly out of view, rarely appearing in public and only once appearing together to read a statement.

"You mean everything to us," said Tony Young, Kyron's stepfather, that day. "And until you come home, this family's not complete. Please, Kyron, keep up the hope."