A Cappella Cover of Shakira’s 'Hips Don’t Lie' Is Full-Blown Mesmerizing

Watch Must-See A Cappella Cover of Shakira’s 'Hips Don’t Lie'

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 29, 2014, 5:57 PM

— -- They’ve got the moves, they’ve got the pipes and their hips certainly don’t lie!

It’s one of Shakira’s biggest hits like you’ve never heard -- or seen -- before.

Oxford University’s all-male a cappella group, “Out Of The Blue,” is raising money through their website with this mind-blowing rendition of Shakira’s “Hips Don’t Lie,” to support a local children’s hospice, Helen & Douglas House.

“The Shakira mash-up was one of the first songs we learned together as group since we came together after auditioning new members,” Marco Alessi, one of the members, wrote to ABC News. “It was also the first song we choreographed, so it is particularly special to us. We arranged it because an important part of our group’s ethos is not to take ourselves seriously and to poke fun and deflate the Oxford stereotype as much as possible.”

The mesmerizing music video has gone wildly viral with more than 970,000 YouTube views since it was originally posted on July 22, even prompting a response from Shakira herself.

“Hey @ootboxford, we LOVE you’re a cappella Shak medley,” the songstress tweeted with a link to their video.

It took the young men months of planning to coordinate the entire video, but once all the details were panned out, they squeezed the actual shooting into one “ridiculous day.”

“We met at 7 a.m. to avoid tourists, wiggled our bums, flopped our wrists, and then managed to get indoors with a box of body sequins and a smoke machine prepped before the libraries had even opened!,” Alessi said.