Time Warner, Fox OK Deal on Broadcasts

Football fans breathe easier as cable giants reach an unspecified agreement.

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 29, 2009, 11:45 AM

Jan. 1, 2010 — -- Evidently, there will be Fox NFL playoff football, "American Idol" and "Simpsons" cartoons for Time Warner Cable's millions of viewers, after all.

The cable company and Fox Networks Group announced Friday evening that they've struck a deal, ending a dispute over carriage fees that had Fox threatening to yank it's programming off Time Warner Cable systems.

"We're pleased that, after months of negotiations, we were able to reach a fair agreement with Time Warner Cable -- one that recognizes the value of our programming," said Chase Carey, deputy chairman, president and chief operating officer of the News Corporation, parent company of Fox, in a joint statement with Time Warner Cable.

"We're happy to have reached a reasonable deal with no disruption in programming for our customers," added Glenn Britt, chairman, president and CEO of Time Warner Cable, in the same written joint statement.

Time Warner Cable subscribers did not seen a disruption in service today as the cable company and News Corp. extended negotiations past a midnight deadline, according to the Wall Street Journal.

News Corp. threatened to pull its content from Time Warner Cable customers, including hit shows such as "American Idol," "House" and the NFL playoffs, in the event the two sides didn't reach an agreement.

The terms of the agreement were not disclosed, according to Friday's statement.

The deal also included Bright House Networks and its 2 million subscribers, the statement added.

On Thursday, Time Warner Cable called on Fox to agree to a 30-day "cooling-off" period as the two media giants go down to the wire in negotiations on broadcast fees that could affect millions of cable TV subscribers.

A News Corp. spokeswoman said the company had no comment on the "cooling-off" period request, which initially was proposed by Congressman Steve Israel, D-N.Y.

In a statement released Thursday accepting Israel's proposal, Time Warner Cable, the No. 2 U.S. cable operator with 13 million subscribers, said customers shouldn't be caught in the middle of negotiations.

"Time Warner Cable accepts the congressman's proposal and urges Fox to do the same. Our customers should not be held hostage over a business negotiation, and we implore Fox to not make America's living rooms a corporate battleground," Time Warner Cable spokesman Alex Dudley said in the statement.

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski also urged the two companies to extend their negotiating deadline, noting, in particular, the hardships faced by football fans.

Fox was aired the Sugar Bowl, featuring the Cincinnati Bearcats and the Florida Gators, Friday night -- and in the end, the broadcast was not affected by the dispute.

But the threat of its disruption mobilized some fans and officials.

"Companies shouldn't force cable-watching football fans to scramble for other means of TV delivery on New Year's weekend," Genachowski said.

Two Gators fans this week asked a Florida court to issue an injunction forcing Fox to broadcast the Sugar Bowl regardless of whether a Time Warner deal was reached, but a judge denied that request.

News Corp. reportedly asked for an increase of $1 per month per subscriber, which would hit Time Warner Cable with a $13 million monthly rate hike.

Carey sent a memo to his staff on Thursday indicating little hope that a deal will be reached.

"At this time, it looks like we will not reach an agreement and our channels may very well go off the air," Carey wrote in the memo.