8 Tips for Packing a Healthy Gluten-Free Lunch

Amy Green shares her suggestions for preparing a kid-friendly gluten-free lunch.

ByABC News via GMA logo
August 15, 2011, 3:41 PM

Aug. 18, 2011 -- Packing a healthy gluten-free lunch that your child wants to eat can be simple. After a little practice it becomes second nature. Here are some ways to make sure your child has a safe, wholesome lunch while at school.

Adults, you can use these tips to pack a healthy lunch too! It's less expensive and more nutritious than eating out.

1. Fruits and veggies are gluten-free - pack your child's favorites. Fruit kebabs make eating healthy more fun. Include a dip, like hummus, with veggie sticks. Kids love to dip.

2. Don't bother thawing frozen gluten-free bread before making a sandwich. It'll thaw by lunch time. Canyon Bakehouse's San Juan Seven Grain is one of my favorite brands and holds up well.

3. Whole grain crackers, cheese, and meat slices are perfect for kids who just don't like sandwiches. Peanut or almond butter are also high-protein choices to pair with crackers.

4. Use an insulated lunch box and add a reusable ice pack to keep the lunch at a safe temperature. If your child likes smoothies, put it in a thermos so it stays cold. They're great for keeping soup hot, too.

5. Pack leftovers. Meatloaf, veggie burgers, homemade soups, and grilled chicken all make tasty lunches.

6. Make a trail mix of dried fruit and nuts. Trail mix is also a good mid-morning snack that will keep your child going strong until lunch time. It can be a healthy "dessert" by sprinkling in a few chocolate chips.

7. Muffins and cookies are easy to bake and pack well. Wrap muffins individually and small cookies in groups of two. Keep them in the freezer until you pack them in your child's lunch.

8. Let your child help you pack lunch and make choices about what to include. She'll learn how important it is to not trade food with friends at the lunch table and will be more likely to want to eat her own meal.

For more gluten-free, refined sugar-free recipes check out Amy's new cookbook Simply Sugar & Gluten-Free and her website.