Obama Exclusive: 'We Intend to Get Something Done' on Health Care

President tells Robin Roberts his speech to Congress will offer clarity on plan.

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 8, 2009, 11:57 AM

Sept. 8, 2009— -- As he prepares to address a joint session of Congress Wednesday on health care, President Obama tells ABC News that his administration is "open to new ideas" about reform, but that "we do intend to get something done this year."

The speech will offer "a lot of clarity about what I think is the best way to move forward," Obama said in an exclusive interview with "Good Morning America" co-anchor Robin Roberts.

Watch Robin Roberts' exclusive interview with President Obama Wednesday on "Good Morning America" at 7 a.m. ET.

When asked if Americans will learn whether or not he is willing to sign a health care reform bill without a government-run insurance plan or "public option," Obama said, "Well, I think what the country is going to know is exactly what I think will solve our health care crisis."

The president is expected to speak specifically about the public option and how it would affect coverage, to address criticism of the health care bill and to try to rally public support.

Obama told Roberts that the speech will be directed both at the American people and at members of Congress, stressing the importance of clearly laying out the proposal for the public and encouraging both parties to come together and reach an agreement.

"The intent of the speech is to, A, make sure that the American people are clear exactly what it is that we are proposing," Obama said. "[And] B, to make sure that Democrats and Republicans understand that I'm open to new ideas, that we're not being rigid and ideological about this thing, but we do intend to get something done this year."