U.K. Lowers Threat Level

A change is made as police learn more about the eight suspects.

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 8, 2009, 12:28 AM

July 4, 2007 — -- In London, authorities have relaxed the terrorist threat level from "critical," its highest level, to "severe," which means that while authorities still believe an attack is "highly likely," they no longer believe an attack is imminent.

Authorities met as investigators learned more about the eight suspects in the recent bomb plots.

Police are confident that they have broken the terrorist cell. Investigators now believe the two men who left cars packed with explosives in London on Friday are likely the same two who drove a burning Jeep Cherokee into Glasgow airport's main terminal one day later.

Six hours before the airport attack, police had traced the drivers to Glasgow, using cell phones left in the London cars. They did not get to the bombers in time, though.

Now police have started to piece together how the eight suspects came together. All have worked for Britain's National Health Service, several for the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Glasgow. Two of them are brothers: Dr. Khalid Ahmed, the injured bomber, and Dr. Sabeel Ahmed who was arrested in Liverpool.

Today, the family of Dr. Mohammed Haneef, who was arrested in Australia, expressed disbelief that he could have been involved in the plot.

"I am ready to give my life for my child," his mother, Qurat-ul-ain, said, "but my child would never do such a thing."

British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said that "the reduction of the threat level to 'severe' does not mean the overall threat has gone away. There remains a serious and real threat against the United Kingdom and I would again ask that the public remain vigilant."