Crying for Mom, Paris Hilton Heads Back To Jail

Upon hearing sentence, socialite cries out, "Mom," and, "It's not right."

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 8, 2009, 12:21 AM

June 9, 2007 — -- Paris Hilton cried in the back seat of the patrol car as she was taken back to court only a day after she was released to complete her 45-day jail sentence at home, and she cried out again as the judge ruled she was headed back to jail.

Screaming and crying, Hilton, 26, shouted "Mom!" and "It's not right!" as Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer ordered her returned to jail to serve her entire 45-day sentence for a parole violation in a reckless driving case. Breaking down, she was helped physically from the room.

'"When he said, 'You're going back to jail,' she started to cry," legal analyst Royal Oakes told ABC News' "Good Morning America Weekend Edition." "She started to wail, turned around, whirled, faced her mother and yelled "Mom!" at the top of her lungs three times. Very dramatic stuff."

Some observers felt the order that Hilton serve her full sentence in jail might be unfair.

"It doesn't seem right, to be honest," criminal defense attorney Dana Cole told "GMA."

Cole said in similar cases most people receive a few days in jail and some community service. He believes Hilton may not have to serve the entire 45-day sentence.

"I think by the end of the day, so to speak, it will be cut by a third," Cole said.

The all too familiar Los Angeles scene of a celebrity being taken into custody played out on non-stop live television as Hilton was taken from her Hollywood Hills home -- a car, a celebrity, freeways and lots of choppers, the media scrutiny was intense.

"It's a spectacle,' said Harvey Levin of the celebrity news site "It's not just about Paris Hilton. This is the decline of western civilization, and we're watching it live."

The question of justice in the case has become part of the national conversation.

"I think this is another glaring display of how race and money get different treatment," said Rev. Al Sharpton.