Town Meeting: Personal Safety

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 9, 2005, 8:25 AM

Sept. 9, 2005— -- Watching the horror of people struggling to survive Hurricane Katrina and the aftermath has many wondering how to best cope with a natural disaster.

Elisabeth Leamy addressed these concerns as part of the town meeting:

Question: "What does anyone really know about evacuation, rescue procedures in their own city? What if this had happened to New York? L.A.? Houston?"
Carolyn Burrell
Friendswood, Texas

Leamy: You have to have your own disaster plan. Choose two meeting points with your family, and make a list of out-of-state contacts.

Question: "If this were to happen in New York what should we be keeping in our homes to sustain ourselves?"
Eileen K.
New York

Question: "If I rely on medication for daily survival, how would I get that?"
Melissa Allen.

Leamy: The Red Cross recommends you should have a first aid kit in your house and each of your cars. Also, pack cleansing supplies such as hand sanitizer, antiseptic wipes and soap. Bring three basic over-the-counter medicines: a pain reliever, an anti-diarrhea medicine and something for upset stomach. Plus, pack a supply of any prescription medicines people in your family need to survive.