Fill in for Tony Perkins!

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 15, 2003, 5:32 PM

Sept. 16 -- Ever dream about giving the weather forecast on national television?

This may be your chance. Good Morning America's Tony Perkins is stepping away from his weather maps for a while because his wife, Rhonda, just had a baby boy named Connor Bennett Perkins.

Perkins, a first-time dad, is taking paternity leave for a few weeks and while he's away, he's asked for your help.

Perkins and Good Morning America have invited celebrities and special weather correspondents to fill in for the first two weeks, but more substitutes are wanted. That's where you come in.

Are you obsessed with watching the weather? Do you need to know if it's raining in Hawaii and sunny in London?

We will want to know what makes you uniquely qualified to do the weather.

Send us a letter, plus photo or videotape, to the address below. (Photos and videotapes will not be returned.)

GMA's Real People WeatherAnsonia StationP.O. Box 234054New York, NY 10023-4054

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