Emeril Serves Principal Breakfast in Bed

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 29, 2002, 5:44 PM

Oct. 30 -- The surprised winner of Emeril's Breakfast in Bed Contest is the principal of a Los Angeles charter school who has been credited with helping to save a poor neighborhood by inspiring its children to love school.

Good Morning America received thousands of essays for the Emeril's Breakfast in Bed Contest, but one nominee stood out: View Park Prep School Principal Michael Piscal.

Before taking on View Park Prep School, Piscal worked as a teacher at the Harvard Westlake School in Beverly Hills.

Students at View Park nominated him by writing more than 300 letters, and even made a video to sing his praises.

For his hard work and dedication to the students, their principal deserves breakfast in bed, the students said in their letters. He is so dedicated to his 300-plus students that the school administrator says she has had to urge the school nutritionist to fix Piscal a hot breakfast so that he gets at least one good meal a day.

Here is the recipe for the breakfast that Emeril prepared for Piscal. His students helped Emeril by wheeling in a bed that was brought to the school auditorium for the occasion.

Bananas Foster Pancakes, Directions and Ingredients

Buttermilk pancakes, recipe below 4 ripe bananas, peeled 4 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 cup paced light brown sugar 3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 cup banana liqueur 1/2 cup dark rum 1 pint vanilla ice cream Confectioners sugar, garnish Ground cinnamon, garnish

1. Keep the pancakes warm on a baking dish in the oven at 220° F.

2. Cut the bananas in half across and then lengthwise.

3. Melt the butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the brown sugar and cinnamon and cook, stirring, until the sugar dissolves, about 2 minutes. Add the bananas and cook on both sides until the bananas start to soften and brown, about 3 minutes. Add the banana liqueur and stir to blend into the sauce. Carefully add the rum and shake the pan back and forth to warm the rum and flame the pan. (Or, off the heat, carefully ignite the pan with a match and return to the heat.) Shake the pan back and forth, basting the bananas, until the flame dies. Remove the pan from the heat.