'Dumb and Dumber' Rob a Bank

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 28, 2005, 7:39 AM

Oct. 28, 2005 — -- Once upon a time, two guys from Down Under came to the swanky ski town of Vail, Colo. They soon fell in love with the town's rich lifestyle and decided they wanted to live the good life too. The quickest way to get rich? Rob the local bank, of course.

So that's what Luke Carroll, 19, and Anthony Prince, 20, did -- they robbed the WestStar bank in Vail last March. Unfortunately for them, they wore their workplace name tags and didn't even try to disguise their thick accents. Oh, and it was their own bank!

"That's what started our investigation," said FBI Special Agent Craig Bykrit. "The tellers recognized their heights and their accents. Both of them usually came in together to do their banking." Carroll is Australian and Prince is a New Zealander with permanent Australian residency.

Flush with $129,500 from the heist, Carroll and Prince headed to a local jewelry store.

"They did a little bit of shopping, picked out a few things," said Ryan Milbern of the Vail Police Department. "The young lady told them what the total would be for the items, at that point they brought out $5 bills to pay for a large, large purchase."

Trying to pay for over $10,000 worth of merchandise with a huge pile of small bills tipped off the store clerk, Milbern said.

If that wasn't dumb enough, the robbers decided they wanted to travel light during the getaway. So, they dumped some of the cash in a trash can at the Denver International Airport. But not, of course, before they took some souvenir photos of their haul.

"We discovered those pictures on a camera that was in their luggage that they gave us consent to search," Bykrit said.

"Dumb and Dumber" have since pleaded guilty. Carroll was sentenced to 60 months in federal prison, and Prince to 54 months.