NYC Firefighters Resume Calendar

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 1, 2002, 3:33 PM

N E W   Y O R K, July 1 -- As it has nearly every year since 1996, the New York City Fire Department has released its 2003 calendar, featuring the city's bravest and brawniest. But this year's calendar is unlike any other.

"The Firehouse Hunks" calendar for 2002, with the World Trade Center towers in the background, was never issued because of the lives lost in the Sept. 11 terrorist attack.

The calendar was revived 10 months later, when families of the fallen firefighters endorsed a revised version for 2003, titled "Calendar of Heroes," which includes three firefighters who died in the line of duty.

Firefighter Rob Pavis, who appears in the 2003 calendar, says he supports the addition of the fallen firefighters because their families wanted it.

"If they wanted it, it should be out," Pavis told ABCNEWS' Good Morning America. "If they didn't want it, that would be fine, too. But they all really pushed for it, so I felt that if they pushed for it, then it should be out."

Each of the pictures of the three firefighters who lost their lives Angel Jaurbe, Tommy Foley and Rob Cordice includes the image of a black ribbon and a message from the fireman's mother.

Pavis said most of the guys ended up in the calendar because they liked to joke around.

"Me and Rob Cordice, when it first came out, decided to do it and just have a good time with it," Pavis said. "It was at a bar, an audition, and you know, whoever the girls cheer the loudest for wins."

The calendar is on sale around the country for $15. Part of the proceeds will go to the department's Fire Safety Education Fund, which finances community outreach programs. The initial print run is 100,000 copies.

The calendars are available at book stores and online at