Matt Damon on "The Bourne Identity"

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 14, 2002, 3:18 PM

N E W   Y O R K, June 14 -- As his new movie, The Bourne Identity hits theaters, Matt Damon talked about how he got started in the business and why he feels compelled to make a difference outside of the entertainment world.

Below is an uncorrected, unedited transcript from the interview as it aired on ABCNEWS' Good Morning America.

DIANE SAWYER:: It's nice to remember that even the big stars had to get startedsome place. Matt Damon now and in his first movie back then.(Clip from Damon's first film Mystic Pizza)

MATT DAMON: That was my first line ever in a movie, and it was--I remember itvividly because everything seemed brighter, every you know, thecolors seemed I definitely had the rose-colored lenses on, you know,firmly affixed. And I remember just being in, literally in love withit and absolutely head-over-heels in love with the all thepeople, you know, everybody doing these different jobs. It just waslike fascinating to me, and I couldn't believe that you could make aliving doing that.

SAWYER: (Voice Over Tape) More than a living, if you consider $10 million a movie a living. In his new movie, a thriller, The Bourne Identity, he plays a secret agent with amnesia. Back in Good Will Hunting, (Clip from Good Will Hunting) he played a math genius. He was a con man, a killer, in The Talented Mr. Ripley. The Harvard-educated actor is known for his range and his daring. For instance, in Ripley, he proved he can sing. (Clip from The Talented Mr. Ripley)

SAWYER:(VO) And he's funny. This was the highest rated Will and Grace ever on TV.(Clip from Will and Grace)

SAWYER:(VO) What are the TV shows you never miss? DAMON:Well, yours. SAWYER:Well, you know, I assumed that. DAMON:Present company not included, let's see, I like to watch SaturdayNight Live. I like that show a lot, I'm a big fan of that show.And The Simpsons. SAWYER:Do you know what you just are? A classic male. No kidding.

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