Book Excerpt: 'The Business Plan for the Body,' by Jim Karas

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 2, 2001, 3:17 PM

May 22 -- The following excerpt comes from The Business Plan for the Body, by professional trainer Jim Karas. Good Morning America anchor Diane Sawyer lost 25 pounds using Karas' methods. He shares his weight-loss secrets in this new book.

Buy your copy of Jim Karas' book here.

Chapter One

I have conducted over five hundred new client meetings during the past thirteen years. I can immediately tell if clients are going to succeed on my program by their body language and the first words out of their mouth. Some people wiggle in their chair, like a truant child in the principal's office, look away and say, "I think I should do something about my situation" or "My doctor told me I have to start a program" or "My friend said I should call you." This tells me they are not committed to succeed. The motivation is not there. The desire is not strong.

Others sit straight up, look me in the eye and say, "That's it. I have had it looking and feeling this way. I want to get a handle on this situation. Tell me what I have to do to lose weight and get in shape. I'm ready." This I love. I know I have someone who is ready to meet the challenge, because, let's face it, taking control of your health and appearance is going to take time, commitment, energy, and focus.

Which Individual Are You?

So, you're considering getting into the weight-loss business? Allow me to make the following assumption. Along with millions of other people, you have previously attempted this business venture. I will also assume, since you purchased this book, or happen to have it in your hands, that you have not been happy with your previous level of success. Or, perhaps it's as simple as:

* You walked by a mirror in a department store and wondered who that was wearing the same outfit, or

* You bumped into a high school or college friend who didn't recognize you, or

* You are convinced your clothes are shrinking, or

* You stopped weighing yourself out of fear, or

* You feel awful all the time and have no energy, or

* Your doctor scared the hell out of you.

These are just a few of the responses I have heard over the years, but the point remains, you feel out of control and want help.

From now on your situation will not be out of control. As many friends and clients will tell you, I do not readily accept defeat. Nor will you. The word "tenacious" has been used to describe me. I want that same word to be used to describe you and your new business venture. I have had thirteen years of experience helping hundreds of people lose weight. I never believe a client will fail. I only believe in success. Each success story, similar to the opening anecdote to this chapter, has one identical element. The individual looked at me and, in so many words, said, "I want to be in the weight-loss business. I want to succeed at losing weight."

Now I know each and every one of you is saying, "Yeah, I want to lose weight, doesn't everyone?" Yes, many individuals do want to lose weight, but I would venture to say that many individuals would also like to be rich, beautiful (though you may notice, the vast majority of these so-called beautiful people are generally in better shape than most), and celebrated. I can't help you be rich, beautiful, and celebrated, but I will help you to lose weight, which will improve your self-esteem and could actually make you richer, more attractive, and perhaps more celebrated, at least by those around you and yourself. And most likely it can even extend your time on this planet. The Business Plan for the Body is the key to weight loss because it is a comprehensive approach that addresses:

The model of a successful business plan can be used to create a strategy for you to lose weight and keep it off once and for all. My plan works.